Saturday, January 23, 2016

I Use to Think Scarves Were Just a Fashion Statement

......but no more.

This is Saturday morning out our window...

This evening, the cars in the pictures are covered up to their windows with snow!
It has not stopped snowing all day and the wind is blowing 50 miles an hour according to the weather report.  We were planning on going out this afternoon to look at an apartment to rent, but had to change our plans.  On the news, we were told that it was a "no drive" day and the subway, trains, and busses are closed.  The city has been shut down.

Our sister missionaries came over this afternoon to use our wifi.  They brought a homemade chocolate cake and we provided hot cocoa, so we had our own little snow day party.  Church is cancelled for tomorrow; another day inside our little home.

Our Institute study this week is on Humility.  To be humble is to recognize gratefully your dependence on the Lord-to understand that you have constant need for His support.  Humility is an acknowledgment that your talents, and abilities are gifts from God.

Let's all think about the blessings that we are given each day and be grateful.  We love you all.


  1. WOW, that sure looks cold. Glad you are staying in though and keeping warm.

  2. Dad & Carol, It's been so fun to read about all of your adventures. I especially appreciate the pics so that we can "see" what you are doing as well. I was under the mistaken impression somehow, that a notification would be sent every time you posted. I checked last week and was excited to see several posts since your last. The girls and I looked through them all last night. They all commented how neat it would be to be a missionary in New York!

    That snow looks horrendous! Glad you are surviving.

    Can't wait to read about your next adventure! :)

  3. Dad & Carol, It's been so fun to read about all of your adventures. I especially appreciate the pics so that we can "see" what you are doing as well. I was under the mistaken impression somehow, that a notification would be sent every time you posted. I checked last week and was excited to see several posts since your last. The girls and I looked through them all last night. They all commented how neat it would be to be a missionary in New York!

    That snow looks horrendous! Glad you are surviving.

    Can't wait to read about your next adventure! :)
