Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A Walk In The Park

Needless to say, there are a a lot of people in New York.  Tall apartment buildings that house thousands of people; subways to move the people; pizza and bagel places on every corner; small markets to make shopping convenient.

But, what I am most impressed with is the parks.  They are beautiful and huge. Just a short block from our apartment is Forest Hills Park.  This park is amazing....a street for walking, running, or riding a bike; hiking trails in the forest (be aware of tics and poison ivy though); swings and slides for children, and ball fields.  Every day we see people heading to the park; they don't need a gym. With apartments being so confining, I am sure they appreciate nature more than people who are surrounded by large yards with trees and flowers.  I will add that most New York streets are lined with large, very old trees.  We can't wait until Spring to see the leaves on these bare trees.

We are going to Brooklyn today to assist with a companionship move.


Sure am looking forward to getting home this afternoon and joining the rest of the hood for a walk in the park.....and then a slice of pizza.  Perfect day!!


  1. Hey, you got the pictures to post vertically! Looks great. The park looks lovely. Pizza and a walk in nature sound delightful. :)

  2. I just got caught up on your blog! Fun to read and I love the pics! For some reason I can't figure out, I am now "commenting" under the name Madalyn Nuttall. Don't know if my little granddaughter is playing tricks on me or what, but I hate to start messing with the computer as that never ends well. So for the time being, I will remain Madalyn. Love, Paula
